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A Guide To Living With Inside Dogs And Allergies

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Just because you're allergic to dogs doesn't mean that you can't also own a dog. For the more extreme allergy sufferers, your dog may need to be an outdoor dog. However, some people with mild allergies can still keep their dog inside their house. 

Choose Your Dog Carefully

The first thing you need to understand is that no dog is truly hypoallergenic. All dogs produce secretions and dander that can trigger allergies. However, some dogs are more likely to shed dander and exacerbate allergies than others.

Short-haired, mixed breed or hybrid varieties, particularly females and neutered males, will shed less dander than other dogs. Dogs that are bred for outdoor work and therefore have thick winter coats and thin summer coats are more likely to shed and create allergy problems. Short haired single-coat dogs like poodles and terriers are good breeds for people who are allergic to dogs. By picking your dog wisely, you're less likely to have allergy problems around your dog. 

Wash Your Hands After All Interactions

Wash your hands after every interaction with your dog. Whether you just petted your dog, took your dog for a walk, gave your dog a bath or brushed your dog's coat, wash your hands before doing anything else. Don't touch your face or rub your eyes immediately after touching your dog.  

Restrict Your Dog's Access to Some Parts of the House

By confining your dog to certain parts of your house, you'll create "allergy-free zones" of your home. For example, if you live in a two-story house, you may choose to limit your dog's access to lower level of your house, preventing your dog from wandering through the bedrooms upstairs. This will give your dog freedom to walk around and also give you a place to retreat when your allergies are bothering you. 

In addition, keep your dog out of your car if at all possible. If you have two cars, limit your dog's access to only one vehicle. 

Groom Your Dog as Often as Possible

Washing your dog twice a week and wiping him or her down with a microfiber cloth on a regular basis can reduce allergens by as much as 85%. Whenever possible, have your dog professionally groomed. This will limit your exposure to your dog's dander. 

Consult With An Doctor

There are many medications and treatments that can reduce allergy symptoms and increase your comfort. In addition, allergy injection therapy, administered by an allergy doctor at a center like Asthma and Allergy Clinic, may help reduce your sensitivity on a more permanent basis. For more information about how medical science can help you live happily with your dog, speak with an allergy doctor. 
