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3 Tips for Leading a Healthy, Sober Social Life After Rehab

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Once you complete a substance abuse treatment program, it is important that you are cautious as to who you choose to have in your inner circle. You need to only surround yourself with positive people and engage in meaningful activities that will assist you in maintaining a sober lifestyle. Of course, this doesn't mean that you won't want to spend time with certain people that consume alcohol every now and then. The below tips will help you lead a healthy, sober social life with those individuals while remaining grounded.

Tip #1: Choose an Appropriate Environment

While you may want to hang out with friends who consume alcohol, you don't want to hang out with them in environments where alcohol is excessive. For instance, you want to avoid places like bars, dance clubs, and brewers where alcohol is served in excess. Instead, stick to environments like the movies, game nights, and dinner parties. In an environment like this, it will be a lot easier for you to be with a friend that is drinking a glass of wine or a beer. If you prefer to avoid alcohol altogether, opt for sober daytime affairs only.

Tip #2: Schedule Sober, Yet Fun Activities

Real friends will be extremely thrilled of your commitment to substance abuse treatment, and as a result, they will be more than happy to joint you for whatever activities that you want to engage in that do not involve alcohol. So, whether you want to have a cup of coffee at a local coffee shop, go hiking, go swimming, go to an amusement park, or go the spa, a true friend will be there with you every step of the way without complaint.

Tip #3: Select the Right Company

If the buddy that you choose to go with you on an outing doesn't seem to be sensitive to your sobriety, then this particular friend is not going to be helpful in your overall recovery. It is important that you don't spend a lot of time with these types of friends or excessive drinks; instead, you need to focus your time with friends who spend time partaking in healthy activities and are as focused on your recovery as you are. If the majority of your friends enjoy drinking, then it may be a good idea to find new friends. Consider joining a local book club, running group, or even a dance class to find new, healthy friends that are more suitable for your recovery.

In the end, your true friends will be there for you no matter what to help you through your sobriety and recovery. Whether you have been through substance abuse treatment yet or you are in need of nonaddictive opioid relief, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Contact services such as Lucemyra to learn more.
