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5 Noticeable Warning Signs That You Should See A Cardiologist

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A cardiologist, also known as a cardiology physician, can help patients to diagnose and treat early heart problems and conditions. But you need to know what to look out for in terms of symptoms.

If you notice any of the following warning signs, see a cardiologist immediately.

1. Shortness of breath, palpitations, and dizziness 

Any one of these warning signs could be a symptom of a heart problem or condition. However, these signs can also be caused by something benign, like stress or overexertion. So pay attention if you begin to experience these symptoms. If your heart flutters (palpitations), you struggle to breathe properly, and you feel dizzy, then this could be a sign of a heart condition such as arrhythmia.

2. Chest pain

One of the clearest signs of a heart problem such as a heart attack is chest pain. This is especially true if the chest pain occurs when you exert yourself, for instance, during exercise. Chest pain in this instance can occur when the heart isn't able to receive enough blood.

Chest pain does occur for benign reasons too, but because chest pain can signify a heart attack, don't ignore chest pain. If you are a smoker, rarely exercise, and are experiencing chest pain during exertion, consider seeing a cardiology physician.

3. Swollen feet and legs

If your legs and feet suddenly begin to swell, this could indicate peripheral artery disease, which is a condition whereby the arteries in the lower extremities become blocked. This condition can cause heart problems if left untreated.

4. Symptoms of high blood pressure

Although the symptoms of high blood pressure are not always present, if you find yourself suffering from nose bleeds, shortness of breath, and blurred vision recently, you may have high blood pressure. High blood pressure impacts the coronary arteries, blocking blood flow to the heart. This can put you at high risk of suffering heart disease, so is something you should look out for.

5. Gum disease

If your gums are swollen and inflamed, you could have gum disease. Although, doctors aren't exactly sure why gum disease sufferers are often at risk of suffering from heart issues unless the problem is treated.

Your heart works hard every single day to pump blood around your body. This is why you should take any of the aforementioned warning signs seriously. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, see a cardiologist immediately.
