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Non-Surgical And Surgical Treatment For Bone Spurs

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Bone spurs on your spine might not be cause for intensive treatment, but in some cases, they are. In some instances, merely treating the source of the bone spurs is enough to alleviate any symptoms that you are experiencing. To help you explore your treatment options, here are some of the possible non-surgical and surgical treatments your doctor might recommend.  Non-Surgical Treatments Since bone spurs usually occur as the result of other conditions, such as arthritis, your doctor might recommend treating the underlying cause of the bone spurs.…

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Prescription Eyewear Options For Active People

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Having to wear prescription eyeglasses can be tough sometimes, especially when it comes to physical activities such as swimming, skiing, and rock hounding. The good news is that there are specialty prescription eyewear options available for a wide range of different sports and active hobbies, such as the following: Water Sports Eyewear Options Since it is not advised for you to wear contact lenses while you are active in the water, and wearing eyeglasses during water sports is nearly impossible, you can have prescription lenses installed into swimming goggles and dive masks.…

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How To Treat Ingrown Toenails

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An ingrown toenail is when your toenail grows into the skin next to the nail. It can become infected and inflamed, which can be painful and sore and can lead to a serious bacterial infection if not treated properly. See below for tips on how to treat ingrown toenails. Treatment Of Ingrown Toenails 1. Soak Your Foot Soak your foot in a warm bath for at least 15 minutes to soften the skin folds around the infected toe.…

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Tips For Improving Communication Between Patients And Doctors

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Technology provides several benefits and drawbacks for doctors who want to communicate with their patients. Here are several ways to use technology to create better relationships with the patients you serve. Use Technology to Collect Information One way to improve patient communication is to use software to collect information about patients’ complaints and medical history. When patients check in, they can use a tablet to select their symptoms, report new health problems, and answer medical questions.…

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The Benefits of Adult Day Care

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If you have a parent or loved one you care for, you want to make sure you do everything in your power to protect them. The problem is, you may not always be able to be right with them. If they are at a point in their life when they can no longer be left alone for long period of time, then you should consider looking into adult daycare. Along with knowing your loved one is safe, you will learn that adult daycare also offers many other benefits.…

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Positive, And Positive Again: Tips For Informing Your Parents You're Having A Baby

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Your first at-home pregnancy test was positive. You take another one thinking that it just can’t be right. The second one is positive as well. Becoming pregnancy may not have been your plan, but it is now something that you need to deal with. First and foremost, before freaking out, you need to go to a pregnancy testing center, like Alliance For Women’s Health, Inc., and undergo professional testing. Professional testing may include an ultrasound in order to confirm your pregnancy.…

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What You Need To Know About Using Nitrous Oxide At The Dentist

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If you are having a major dental procedure done that requires sedation, your dentist may offer you nitrous oxide as a sedation method. Even though using nitrous oxide will keep you awake throughout the procedure, there is no reason to be worried. This form of sedation is effective and safe for dental procedures. How Nitrous Oxide Is Administered Many patients like nitrous oxide because it is easy to administer by not requiring any type of injection.…

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Using Aromatherapy To Help You Fall Asleep And Stay Asleep

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These days, everyone’s trying to master the art of getting 8 hours of deep sleep every night. Those who suffer from intermittent insomnia can have a particularly difficult time with this, and they can suffer from drowsiness and anxiety. One vastly underutilized option for aiding sleep is aromatherapy, which can help greatly in both getting to sleep and staying in a deep sleep for the entire night.  Lavender and Valerian…

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Stains, Whitening And Dental Implants: A Few Things You Should Know

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If you have dental implants, you have probably been told that they cannot be bleached and to be careful with what you eat or drink. Most cosmetic dentists will tell you to get your natural teeth whitened before having the implant matched to them. This way, you can ensure that your new teeth are the same color as your natural teeth and do not look out of place. Once you have your implants, there are a few other things you need to know to ensure they remain the same color as the rest of your teeth.…

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3 Tips To Keep Your C-Arm In Good Condition

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Purchasing a C-arm can be a pretty big investment, but it is an essential for pain management. Buying a good, refurbished C-arm can be a great way to start saving money, but keeping it in good condition will help it last for as long as possible, which can save you a bundle as well. Luckily, following these three tips will help you keep your C-arm in good condition for a long time to come.…

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