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The Vital Importance Of The Whooping Cough Vaccination For Pregnant Women

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Whooping cough or pertussis is a dangerous disease that kills newborn babies every year. It is a preventable disease and can be managed by regular vaccinations and immunization. This is particularly true for pregnant women and those who have children in the family who could also pass on the disease. Family Members Pass On Pertussis Pertussis is primarily passed to a newborn baby from immediate family members: two-thirds of all cases are transmitted in this way.…

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Chronic Pain And Alternative Therapies That Work Well Together

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When you suffer from chronic pain, chiropractic treatment can be a great modality to enhance your overall wellness. Chiropractic care is gentle, and because it doesn’t involve the use of medications, you can see a chiropractor and get treated by your traditional physician for the same problem at the same time. Alternative therapies that also work great with chiropractic treatment include acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga, all of which will help reduce inflammation and improve your overall mobility.…

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How Diabetes Can Cause Foot Problems

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If you have diabetes, it’s crucial for you to work with your doctor to control your blood sugar levels. This is because high blood sugar damages many parts of the body, particularly the blood vessels that supply oxygen-rich blood to your organs and nerves. Over time, uncontrolled blood sugar can spell serious problems for your feet. Damages Nerves to Your Feet Nerves send signals throughout your body, including your feet. Nerves that are damaged from long-term high blood sugar may cease sending signals, or they may send signals at a slower-than-normal rate or at the wrong times.…

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4 Tips for Treating Asthma

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Suffering from any medical condition can be a real challenge. This is especially true if your health problem is a chronic one. One respiratory issue that numerous people live with on a daily basis is asthma. If you endure this condition, you will want to be sure to find effective ways to reduce your symptoms and allow you to have a higher quality of life in the process. Knowing some things you can do daily to alleviate this condition is sure to be helpful for you.…

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What To Know About Laser Hair Removal

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Laser hair removal is an effective option for removing unwanted body hair, whether it be on your face, neck, or bikini line. Today, laser hair removal is also more affordable and accessible than ever. If you’re interested in laser hair removal, it’s best for you to know what to expect beforehand, including the risks and benefits. The Procedure Your provider will apply ultrasound gel to the area and apply the laser to your skin.…

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Breast Augmentation Consultation: What To Expect

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Whether you want to correct a deformity, improve your breast shape, or size to boost self-esteem, or reduce your breast size due to back problems, making the decision to have breast surgery can be life altering. It’s not a decision you should make in haste. Research your options, choose an experienced surgeon and know the risks and benefits. To increase the likelihood that your consultation will go smoothly, it helps significantly if you come prepared.…

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Does Your Child Need Hearing Aids?

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Hearing loss in children can be hard to detect, both because it’s often unexpected and because they aren’t always able to tell when their hearing is abnormal. Here is a guide to understanding how to help your child who may have hearing loss. Why Does Hearing Loss Happen in Children? There are many causes of hearing loss in younger children. Often, it is related to an infection that occurred during infancy.…

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2 Great Ways To Support Your Premature Baby's Development

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Did you recently give birth to a premature baby? It may have been a frightening experience for you because of the medical issues that can arise when a child is born several weeks before they are due. For example, children who are born early are often significantly underweight and may have difficulty breathing. Now that you have given birth, you may want to know what you can do to support your preemie and encourage healthy growth despite any delays that may occur over the next few years.…

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6 Tips For Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

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It is never too early or too late to start taking better care of your eyes. Many people take their vision for granted. If you eat a healthy diet and avoid habits that are bad for your eyes, you can decrease your risk of developing eye diseases, like glaucoma and cataracts. Here are six helpful tips for keeping your eyes healthy: Don’t Leave the House Without Sunglasses While you probably wear sunglasses as you are sunbathing on the beach, you might wear them on a daily basis.…

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Signs That Signal That Your Parent Needs In-Home Care

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If you have been wondering if your parent needs some in-home care in order to stay living independently, then you will be pleased to learn that there are some signs you can use to help you identify if it is necessary yet or not. While not all elderly people need help to stay in their homes as they age, many do. To this end, here are some of the signs that your parent may need some in-home support from now on:…

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