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Is Your Child Obese? 2 Tips To Help Them Lose Weight

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If your child is currently obese, this can be very dangerous for their health. For example, they have more of a chance to have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. If they don’t lose weight, this could also lead to obesity when they are an adult. This can also cause psychological problems with your child, such as if they are teased at school. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help your child get down to the weight they are supposed to be at, two of which are listed below.…

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Tips for Reducing Chest Pain

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If you are experiencing chest pain, you are likely scared and very uncomfortable. You might worry that you are suffering a heart attack or a heart arrhythmia and not know what to do. Here are some tips for what you should do should you experience sudden chest pain. 1. Check for Heart-Attack Symptoms Everyone knows that chest pain is one of the main symptoms of a heart attack. However, it is not the only symptom, and chest pain is not always followed by heart attacks.…

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Natural Remedies To Give Your Child Seasonal Allergy Relief

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For many children — and adults — changing seasons means battling allergy attacks. As an adult, dealing with seasonal allergies isn’t often pleasant, but for children who can’t treat themselves, it can feel like a never-ending battle. The last thing any parent wants to do is send their child to school when he or she isn’t feeling well, but children can’t afford to miss a lot of school days either. So, if your child has seasonal allergies, you need to know how to manage the symptoms.…

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Dealing With A Dental Emergency And Don't Have Insurance? Two Ways To Get Affordable Help

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If you have one or more teeth that are hurting, you understand how frustrating it can be.  Although the tooth is a small member of the body, it can cause a great deal of pain when it’s in distress.  The situation is made more unbearable when you don’t have insurance, since you may believe that you’ll just have to deal with it.  However, there are things you can do to get your tooth taken care of without breaking the bank.…

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Why Having Professional Help At Home Keeps You Out Of Trouble When Recovering From Hip Surgery

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The date is set for your total hip replacement, and you’re planning to recover at home. You have friends and family members scheduled to help you during the first few weeks. You will also benefit from having a professional home health care provider supporting you at home. The beginning of your recovery period is a critical time as it sets the tone for the duration of your recovery. You’ll face some challenges during your recovery where the help of friends and family may not be enough.…

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Three Things You Should Be Expecting After Mohs Surgery

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If your doctor has recommended Mohs surgery to treat your skin cancer, you can rest assured that you are going to undergo a surgery with a very high success rate. Statistics show that the success rate of this type of surgery is greater than 99 percent when it is used to treat new cancers.  Of course, your surgery will have the best chances for success if you are prepared with some important knowledge about what you can expect in the days immediately after the surgery while you are healing.…

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Urgent Care Is A Viable Alternative For Your Critical And Noncritical Health Care Needs

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You can’t predict when you’ll have to visit the emergency room because of an illness that requires immediate attention. Once you arrive at any hospital, you’ll find out that there are other patients there who may have more life-threatening conditions than yours, and so you may have to wait until all the life-threatening conditions are taken care of before you are tended to. You do have an option to visit an urgent care center for emergencies when you can’t get an early appointment with your primary care physician or you don’t want to wait for hours in the ER before you’re seen.…

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5 Ways To Protect Your Hearing

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It is easy to take your hearing for granted. You may think that your hearing will last forever and unknowingly do things that damage your ears. If you do not start taking extra good care of your hearing right now, you run the risk of losing this sense in the future. Here are five effective ways to protect your hearing: Do not Listen to Your Music Too Loudly When you really love a song, it is tempting to turn up the volume very high.…

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What You Can Do To Help When Your Child Is Being Treated For Brain Tumors

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When you have a child who has been diagnosed with brain cancer, you may feel as if you are completely helpless to provide them with the care and support that they will need going forward. However, while you cannot control the fact that they developed brain tumors, there are things that you can do to help them cope and help ensure that they are getting the treatment and care that they need to fight their cancer and overcome this unexpected obstacle in their life.…

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When The Summer Heat Gets You Down: Reasons You Should Head To An Urgent Care Clinic

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As spring morphs into summer, you are likely going to find yourself spending more and more time outside on a regular basis. As such, you may be putting yourself in situations in which you may be at risk of different heat-related and outdoor exposure related illness and injury that you normally would. Get to know some of the issues that you may experience this summer that would warrant a trip to an urgent care clinic so that you can be sure that you get the summer health care you need when you need it most.…

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