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3 Treatment Strategies For Correcting Lordosis

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Lumbar lordosis or hyperlordosis occurs when the inward curvature of the lumbar spine is excessive. Depending on the severity, lordosis can be correcting with lifestyle changes and physical therapy, or surgery may be necessary. Weight Loss Some cases of lumbar lordosis can be attributed to high amounts of abdominal fat. Much like the low back pain women may experience during pregnancy, the change in weight distribution of people who tend to put on weight in their abdomen can enhance the curvature of the lower back.…

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Three Keys For A Successful Medical Business

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Being a doctor requires a lot of diligence and attention to detail. In order to be sure that you are running a great practice that serves patients, you will need to understand some important guidelines. These are the guidelines that will help you take your practice to the next level and remain in complete compliance. To this end, follow the three tips in this article to get a clear idea of how you can stay on top of the details:…

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Think About These 3 Potential Causes Before You Seek Treatment for Back Pain

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Developing back pain can often cause you to seek help from a health practitioner, but you don’t automatically have to schedule an appointment if you’re sore. Although severe back pain plagues many people, one thing to remember is that minor back pain can come and go without the care of a professional. Although you should always seek help from a practitioner such as a chiropractor if you have severe or prolonged back pain, you should also think about these potential causes before you seek treatment.…

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3 Important Tests For Diagnosing The Underlying Cause Of Enlarged Lymph Nodes

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Although enlarged lymph nodes are a common occurrence, there are situations when a doctor may be suspicious that the underlying cause is something more than a simple infection. Several diagnostic tests can be used to pinpoint the cause and develop a treatment plan if needed. X-Ray X-ray is frequently used when a patient has suspicious lymph nodes, especially when they have other symptoms that might indicate a malignancy. A chest x-ray can help spot suspicious growths that may occur with lymphoma.…

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So You've Got Type 2 Diabetes: What To Do

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After months of feeling out of sorts and ill in some way, being told that you have Type 2 diabetes can almost seem like a relief at first. It’s good to know that there is a name for everything you’re going through, and every symptom all of a sudden makes sense within the context of the disease. Your family doctor has likely talked with you about what your ongoing regimen will be, but here are a few more suggestions which can help you handle this new diagnosis.…

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3 Things That May Interact With Your Pain Cream

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If you suffer from chronic pain, or if you have recently sustained a sprain or muscle pull, your doctor may have recommended that you use a prescription topical pain cream. This type of medication penetrates your epidermis to bring you an effective alternative to oral pain medications. While considered safe, there are a few things that may interact with your topical pain prescription. Here are three things that may have a negative impact on the effectiveness of your prescription topical medication and what you can do about them:…

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3 Things You Should Consider When Getting A Nose Job

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In order to get a cosmetic surgery, it is important to learn all that you can about the procedure. For instance, rhinoplasty is one of the most common forms of cosmetic surgery that people get, so you should research things like understanding the procedure, finding the right surgeon, and preparing for the healing process. In that regard, you can consider these points below and capitalize on them as you hire a surgeon to help with your nose job.…

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Tips For Buying Organic Groceries For Less Money

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If you are a parent that is concerned with the amount of pesticides or growth hormones that your child could be inadvertently consuming, you are likely trying to buy as much organic food as possible. The problem with this is that organic produce and other foods tend to be much more expensive. The reason for this is that they are more expensive to grow and they don’t last as long in stores.…

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The Vital Importance Of The Whooping Cough Vaccination For Pregnant Women

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Whooping cough or pertussis is a dangerous disease that kills newborn babies every year. It is a preventable disease and can be managed by regular vaccinations and immunization. This is particularly true for pregnant women and those who have children in the family who could also pass on the disease. Family Members Pass On Pertussis Pertussis is primarily passed to a newborn baby from immediate family members: two-thirds of all cases are transmitted in this way.…

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Chronic Pain And Alternative Therapies That Work Well Together

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When you suffer from chronic pain, chiropractic treatment can be a great modality to enhance your overall wellness. Chiropractic care is gentle, and because it doesn’t involve the use of medications, you can see a chiropractor and get treated by your traditional physician for the same problem at the same time. Alternative therapies that also work great with chiropractic treatment include acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga, all of which will help reduce inflammation and improve your overall mobility.…

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