Eyes: Keys to Your Overall Health

What Should You Know About Laser-Assisted Liposuction?

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Liposuction is a surgical procedure for removing fatty tissue that has been around for many decades. Liposuction is a general term that can cover any manner of procedures for removing fat. One of the newer procedures is laser-assisted liposuction. Laser-assisted liposuction uses a SmartLipo laser to liquefy fatty tissue. The laser is directed through small incisions and directed at fatty tissue. Once the fatty tissue has been liquefied, it is sucked out using standard liposuction.…

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Are Finances Causing Problems In Your Marriage? Try These Tips To Reconnect

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Marriage problems related to money are surprisingly common. If you find yourself arguing with your spouse about money, it’s time to do something about it. Following these steps can help the two of you argue less when it comes to your finances. Be Transparent First and foremost, you’ll find that if you are both transparent in regards to finances, by telling one another about expenses and financial hiccups as soon as they happen, that you’re sure to get along a lot better.…

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A Guide To Living With Inside Dogs And Allergies

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Just because you’re allergic to dogs doesn’t mean that you can’t also own a dog. For the more extreme allergy sufferers, your dog may need to be an outdoor dog. However, some people with mild allergies can still keep their dog inside their house.  Choose Your Dog Carefully The first thing you need to understand is that no dog is truly hypoallergenic. All dogs produce secretions and dander that can trigger allergies.…

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