Eyes: Keys to Your Overall Health

Is Your Spine Straight? 4 Symptoms That Point To A Misaligned Spine

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A misaligned or crooked spine can cause a myriad of health problems, including pain and fatigue. It can also place undue stress on other parts of your body as you unconsciously try to compensate for the misalignment with poor posture and by over-extending your body. While a chiropractor can help alleviate your pain, you don’t have to experience pain at all. If you learn to recognize the first signs of spinal misalignment, you may be able to seek treatment before you start feeling the effects.…

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3 Options For Eczema Treatment For You Or Your Child That Do Not Require Medication

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If you have dry, red skin, you may have untreated or inadequately treated eczema. Eczema is an all-encompassing term for the different types of chronic dermatitis that cause itchy, irritated skin. Although there is no cure for it, it can often be managed in a number of different ways. Fortunately, it is not always necessary to depend on medication to treat the problem and simply preventing allergic reactions is often helpful.  #1-Change Your Skin Care Routine  …

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Non-Surgical And Surgical Treatment For Bone Spurs

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Bone spurs on your spine might not be cause for intensive treatment, but in some cases, they are. In some instances, merely treating the source of the bone spurs is enough to alleviate any symptoms that you are experiencing. To help you explore your treatment options, here are some of the possible non-surgical and surgical treatments your doctor might recommend.  Non-Surgical Treatments Since bone spurs usually occur as the result of other conditions, such as arthritis, your doctor might recommend treating the underlying cause of the bone spurs.…

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