Eyes: Keys to Your Overall Health

How to Keep Your Feet Healthy

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Did you know that most people will walk at least 75,000 miles by age 50? That’s a lot, which is exactly why you need to take preventative measures to ensure your feet are clean, healthy and pretty. Here are four tips: 1. Take Care in Choosing Your Salon If you go to the nail salon for a mani and pedi, there is a good chance that you could pick up a fungal infection there.…

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Understanding More About The Different Kinds Of Tendinitis Pain

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When age weakens the tendons around your joints, you become less flexible and can get injured more easily. But growing older isn’t the only risk factor for tendinitis – a condition characterized by pain or soreness surrounding a joint. Playing certain sports or working in a particular occupation can increase your risk of developing tendinitis. That’s why knowing which muscles can cause tendinitis pain helps you avoid activities that can lead to more damage or worsening symptoms.…

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Home Treatment Options For Burn Marks

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Few people like the appearance of burn marks on their skins. Fortunately, there are home remedies you can use to eliminate or reduce such marks in case you have been burned. Note that you should only try home treatments if your burns are minor (symptoms include redness, swelling and pain) and cover only a small portion of your skin. Leave the treatment of all other burns to professional medics. Here are some of the home treatments to try:…

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