Eyes: Keys to Your Overall Health

Taking Suboxone to Treat Opioid Addiction

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Suboxone is an FDA-approved medication used to treat opioid addiction. Many who have been prescribed this medication have been successful in kicking their opioid addiction for good. Suboxone works by binding with the brain’s opioid receptors so that cravings and withdrawals from no longer using opioids are not as severe. Here is some information about suboxone treatments and some things you can expect.  1. How It Is Administered Suboxone is available in two different forms.…

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Eating Healthy Is Great Pregnancy Care

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 A healthy diet during pregnancy can make a huge difference. The health of your baby is directly impacted by the foods you eat. If you want the best for your baby, paying attention to your diet is critical. Do you want to take care of yourself and your baby the best you can? Eating healthy with these tips is one of the best ways to do exactly that. Eat Breakfast…

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Should You Take Temazepam For Sleep?

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If you struggle with insomnia, one of the medications your doctor may recommend is temazepam. This is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. It slows down brain function, helping patients fall asleep and stay asleep. With so many different sleep medications available, though, it is worth considering whether or not temazepam is the right sleep medication for you. Here are a few pros and cons to consider.…

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