Eyes: Keys to Your Overall Health

3 Keys To A Successful Weight Loss Journey

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Although everyone is different, when they are starting a weight loss journey, there are some commonalities between people who are successful and those who are not. Starting and sticking to a weight loss program requires certain factors to increase your chances of success. Accountability Accountability can come in many forms. It is important to be accountable for what you eat and the amount of calories you burn to realize what you are doing that might be sabotaging your goals.…

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Business Ergonomic Evaluations: How They Work & Employer Benefits

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If you own a business, then you should learn all about business ergonomic evaluations, how they work, and how they can benefit you as a business owner. By seeking an ergonomic assessment, you can help ensure you are providing your employees an environment that encourages good health instead of contributing to workplace injury and the development of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Read on to learn more about ergonomic evaluations and the benefits they offer employers.…

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Educators Can File Workers Compensation Claims

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Claims for workers’ compensation are most often associated with people who work in labor-intensive or seemingly dangerous roles. However, an on-the-job injury can occur in any capacity, including a role as an educator. Just as any other employee, teachers have the legal right to seek compensation for their injuries when they are hurt while performing their duties. Access to Care As an educator, you have the option of working in a public education system, such as a state-sponsored school, or the private capacity, such as at a private school.…

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