Losing a loved one can be life changing. In fact, many experts say that that death of a loved on is one of the most stressful situations you can experience. Many people feel as though they must push through the sadness and the grief and don’t know quite how to deal with those feelings that they have. Dealing with grief is an important part of coping with the trauma that you just experienced.…
If you’re hearing terms such as “physician owned hospital” and “healthcare joint ventures” in reference to new medical facilities in your area, you may be wondering what all the talk is about. Physician-hospital joint ventures allows doctors to assume a degree of autonomy over their workplace, which not only helps them prosper but can also prove highly beneficial to patients. Here are some of the ways you stand to benefit from making use of these hospitals and clinics.…
Fibroids are fibrous growths that occur in the muscular walls of the uterus and are sometimes detected during a routine gynecological examination. The presence of these can be confirmed by an ultrasound or an MRI. These benign tumors can cause you to have painful heavy periods and eventually bring on anemia, grow large enough to make you look pregnant when you’re not, interfere with fertility, and cause problems during pregnancy. There are some good treatment options to cope with this condition, or to get rid of it altogether.…