Eyes: Keys to Your Overall Health

Physical Therapy For Chronic Pain Caused By Muscle Guarding And Immobility Of The Knee

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When you are injured, it can be difficult to get back your previous level of mobility. While you will probably need a short period of time to rest in order to recover from an injury, physical therapy can be started after this period of rest to address concerns with your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. If you try to ignore going to physical therapy, you can end up with chronic pain.…

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Here's Why You Should Get An Eye Exam Every Year

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If you want your eyes to remain in solid shape for the duration of your life, they will require frequent care just like every other part of your body. But even knowing that, some people choose to avoid going to the eye doctor until they notice a significant decline in their vision. Here are three reasons why you should get a licensed eye exam at least once a year even if you don’t notice any significant changes to your eyesight.…

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3 Different Types Of Tasks That The Radiology Department Takes Care Of

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The radiology department at a hospital is designed to take images and conduct exams that provide further insight into your condition. The radiology department is responsible for taking a wide variety of different type of exams and is often on the front line of identifying diseases. #1 X-Rays One of the most common functions that a radiologist does that most people are familiar with is x-rays. X-rays are taken by a radiologist and are ready by a radiologist.…

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