Eyes: Keys to Your Overall Health

Stay Comfortable Through Prevention And Awareness - Tips For Preventing Kidney Stones

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Many people who find themselves visiting a urologist only do so after experiencing pain or discomfort. One of the most common sources of this discomfort is the development of kidney stones, caused by mineral deposits in the kidneys or urinary tract that harden into solid constructions that can be very difficult and painful to pass. If you don’t take the right steps to keep your urinary tract in proper health, you can find yourself in a difficult situation involving a great deal of pain and perhaps an expensive hospital stay.…

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Measles Is In The News: What You Need To Know

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Measles is a hot topic, unfortunately. There have been a several outbreaks, including a large one in California. This is troubling because many people had believed measles to be a disease of the past. The problem lies in the way people discuss the disease. The wording can be confusion. Measles was declared to have been “eliminated” in 2000. This does not mean that the disease is eradicated.  What it means is that measles is not a “…

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The Latex Connection: Having Root Canal Therapy With Allergies

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In modern dentistry, root canals have become fairly common practice. They make it possible to save your natural tooth in the event of an infection or decay. However, if you have a latex allergy, there are a few things that you should be aware of when it comes to having this procedure done. Gutta-Percha Gutta-percha is used to fill the roots of your tooth during root canal therapy. This may be a concern for people with a latex allergy because it is a natural latex rubber.…

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